Stood watching them through the window on the feeder , blur and bloody Sparrow Hawk picked one off clean as you like
Great sight that though. Watched a female grab a magpie a couple of weeks ago, I had to stop traffic while the death throes were ongoing. They get stuck to the victim and run over
it's sad to see but as Red Kendal said it is a fine sight to watch in some ways. Very efficient and ruthless. At around the time you posted I saw our resident miss taking a pigeon in the garden - if it is the same one, it is not the first time I have seen her struggle. Maybe young. Glad to hear one took a magpie, wish they would take more corvids
Same in my garden at Wath. In years past there have been lots of birds but this year almost nothing. I've been trying to tempt them with sunflower kernels and mealworms. It almost feels as though they have been wiped out. Has anybody got an explanation?
Similar - the fat balls and sunflowers seeds are being taken but the smaller seed has been barely touched this winter. Last year they went through tons. I thought it might be my posh new feeders but neighbours are saying the same.
They are hardly touching the seed this year but we always save the rind off pork & bacon etc , cut it up & put that on the bird table & that with white bread seems to be going o.k
Ours too, I find the only sure fire winner is black sunflower seeds mixed with mealworms and sometimes sunflower hearts.
That was a bit bizarre.....just reading this thread when a hawk of some sort landed on the bird table outside the window where I was working. It circled the neighbouring bush a couple of times, then grabbed a small bird and flew off down the garden. No idea what it was, so sorry about the crappy photos....
We're getting a few, but not as many as previous years. We're (that means me lol) putting the food and water out regularly, but not many today due to the snowy weather
I once got dived bombed by a Sparrow Hawk at Fitzy railway station. It swooped low out of the trees and was off before I could turn round. It headed down below the level of the platform. It was twilight.