Why are compsnies such arseholes. Easyjet emailed to say flights cancelled for sept. Offered a 174 quid refund. But as i booked through loveholidays originally the refund issued to them. Spoke to them said ******* its non refundsble i explained i hadnt cancelled and easyjet had said bssically tough so they are keeping my 174. Jokers, they havent heard last of this.
A couple of friends of ours had the exact same issue with Love Holidays, EasyJet cancelled their flights last year but because they booked through love holidays they had to take it up with them,
Same. Live chat woman useless. I said i get it being non refundable if i caNcelled. But how can i affect flight cancellations
We booked a weekend to malaga with love holidays. When we went to check in on line our flight had gone . We called love holidays and got a full refund. They were good with us
Looks like they are known for it, hopefully some help for you on here. https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/2020/07/loveholiday-refund-complaints/
Took me a year to get flight costs back from Carlton holidays when covid first hit and travel got banned, they claimed it was an "act of god" and refused to refund, even tho BA had refunded to them, which they tried to deny. Never gone thru an agent since always direct, sometimes it's a bit more expensive, but less hassle if things go wrong or change which nowadays they invariably do.
If you're sure you've got a case, just MCOL them. I had to do the same with Lastminute.com. I got my refund quicker than everyone who was ringing them incessantly.
Love holidays and on the beach have both withdrawn from ABTA. They are still members of ATOL. This basically means your flight and hotel are 2 separate bookings and not a package holiday.I believe the 2 parts have different refund policies. Usually as small as they can get away with no doubt!
Disappointed - thought this was an announcement for the next movie in the franchise. Bit of a Love Island piss take.
I stopped using travel agents/package tours back in 1986 when we went on a trip to Venice and Lake Garda. Bland hotels and even blander food. We did try a couple when we decided to go to Cuba about eight years ago. Walked into a couple of the more (supposedly) out of the ordinary travel agents, told them we wanted to see the real Cuba not just some beach resort but was told that was all that was available with a few days in Havana bolted on and it was impossible to offer anything else due to the difficulties in Cuba. We went home, got on the net and booked five hotels plus flights ourselves online in the space of an afternoon. Didn't have a problem and we had a memorable three weeks. With the internet now it's easy enough to be your own travel agent/tour company.