Vaguely. Now I think about it, I remember quite a lot about that day. I was 8. I recall going to town with my mum before the match. Getting cans of dandelion and burdock from the weigh shop. Meeting my dad where he sometimes parked the car, on a bit of waste land that is now the Hyundai garage on Ponte Road. Having the cans of dandelion and burdock confiscated by the stewards on the turnstile. Taking 'our' seat for the first time, as it was my first season ticket (still have the same seats now). The balloons going up. I recall us scoring, but not who. Having my birthday read out at half time. I vaguely recollect thinking Paul Wilkinson didn't look up to it. Going to my nan's after the match, getting a Chinese, and looking at the pictures in the Green'un, whenever that came out.
You've cheered me up no end @archey and @Bossman .It was my first season ticket too ( but I was a bit older than 8!) and my first designated seat because before that of course you could sit anywhere in the Ponte. For just a brief time we were top of the Premier league, the sun was shining and I was wearing my away shirt with the Premier league badge on the sleeve. What a season that was!
Definitely had character to it,changing ends depending on which way we played and the old guy and his dog sat on ye olde slag heap
It's crackers how much you remember when you really think about it. I remember random bits from being sat in the East Stand in 94-96, and being on the Ponte Road end before that, but I think the West Ham game, and the Bradford game before are the ones where I remember the day in some detail. I'd love to know what was my first match. My dad doesn't remember, and I was quite young so I don't remember either. The earliest game I can pinpoint going to, was a 1-0 home defeat to Watford. My dad managed to lose me on the Ponte end. I ended up sat with a Policeman at the front of the stand. I only know who we played, because my mum tells me my brother had just been born that week, and my dad was meant to take me to Locke Park that night to see the fireworks, but I refused to go because he'd lost me at the match. That would have been November 1992, so I was only 3 at that time.
I think my interest in football began to peak just as we were getting good. England having a run in the Euro 96 helped too. But aye, its been more downs than ups since 2000.
You've got a good memory. When I moved to the East stand there was a little girl sat behind me who went from being a baby, she was always so good. I tried taking my son periodically but he only really wanted to go all the time when he was about 10 . Shame really because it meant I missed out too!
Actually, by my reckoning you've had four and half good seasons out of around 25. For a Barnsley Fan that's outstanding. We're spoiling you.
You tried to take your Son to watch Barnsley when he was under the age of 10!!!! Child abuse surely. If you just send me your address I'll pass it onto Social Services.