I knew Goddard was, as he's mentioned it a couple of times and has got a highlight reel on his twitter, never realised the other one did too. You mean the Luke who used to own Tykes TV yes?
I think he's sound Luke, personally. Someone obviously led him up the garden path with the Nettleton fiasco. Always says it how it is and a red through and through. He's alright by me.
I dont mind him, I think he loves BFC. But he does contradict himself a lot. But I've said all along, if he is getting personal abuse, its completely wrong. Should be able to be as negative or positive as he wants without abuse. Same goes for the abuse given to red all over.
He's got a brilliant range of accents, he can do them all - Lundwood, Royston, Cudworth, Athersley, even the notoriously tricky Wombwell. He runs the full gamut.
I think hes ok as well, a real fan like the rest of us, who was always worth listening to on that channel. In hindsight he was perhaps lied to and used like a scapegoat, and hung out to dry. The proposed new owners thing fell apart and maybe it never even got going at all, and it seems like hes fallen out with them.
The problem with that is, even when I enquired myself, politely, about it, I got shot down immediately, got called a 'board apologist', and that I'm defending the board and why I wouldn't want the board out, etc. Not by Luke, but by a lot of fans who believed him. Saw it happen with quite a lot of people, not to mention the sh.1te what got spouted about the supporters trust
And therein lies the problem. Luke was used as their mouthpiece - used being the operative word - and he then took the flak by association with the idiots. Add the depolorable facebook into the mix as the main platform and it's a recipe for disaster. It's wrong how you were treated, and others; it shouldn't have been a locked group on facebook in which people were kicked out and invited back every day at one point; and I'm sure Luke regrets associating himself with it, but i'm sure he did it in good faith.
I don't doubt that mate. Don't think I came across properly. I meant given the situation, how all the fans were feeling, I just think he could have handled it a little better. The flak some folk were getting by people who believed it was true was crazy. Not blaming him for that though, the bit of criticism I do have is going very public about it, and then not being able to answer questions. I agree he was used, I think he wanted it to be true so much and that's why it gained momentum as quickly as it did. He was adamant it was true, and then when fans questioned & he couldn't answer, people just started arguing with each other - which in hindsight was daft, as both sets ultimately wanted the same thing! He did grief certain fan youtubers & supporters trust who doubted him/it or wanted more information, which didn't help. I don't watch Tykes TV anymore as he & that Steve swore every other word, and now I'm around kids it's just not great listening to that - but I definitely don't doubt they all love the club & want the best for it, regardless of opinions. They all seem decent blokes.
Admittedly the swearing with Steve Robey (the dad or step-dad of the other Luke, the original presenter of Tykes tv), did eventually get out of hand. But Neil the new presenter surely doesn't allow that anymore, and the channel has got a calmer easier going feel about it now.
I think he was put in a difficult position and with all the hysteria it probably swayed his thinking and as you say he probably really wanted it to be true himself. Which is a lot different to something actually being true obviously, and i agree with you that the messaging coming out of that group was all a bit smoke and mirrors but 'trust us, we definitely have a buyer.' I felt sorry for him really because as i say he was the mouthpiece, and i suppose he carried a lot of expectation. But then when the group jumped down other people's throats simply for asking reasonable questions, he looked bad because he was the face of it. I'm sure he wishes he never got involved. As for Tykes Tv, i liked it with the old Luke ('Quiffy', as me and my mum used to call him lol), and i did like Steve and still do. But yeh, if i had young uns about I'd probably give it a wide berth too they do seem decent blokes as you point out, and they want the best for the club.