No, UK viewers can legally watch any game outside the Saturday 3pm slot unless Sky are showing it live. Boxing Day was available so hoping Luton game is too.
No I think it has to be agreed by both clubs and for some reason we've opted out of this one. Seems a little unfair when so few fans can get to the game and it's a sell-out. I shall just have to walk the dog instead.
On an earlier thread it was suggested that Luton vetoed this game for iPlayer, as they feared it would negatively impact on the attendance. However, the game has now sold out and there is no other way for people to see the game.
Update ..... Here is a reply from the media team at the club about this. Fingers crossed that Luton change their mind. Given all tickets are sold there seems no logic in not making it available and selling a good number of match passes. >>>>>> Thanks for your email. You are quite correct that it is a club decision on whether to show the game on iFollow, however, that decision is for the home club. Luton Town have declined the option of allowing the match to be streamed live. We are in contact with the EFL to see if this decision could be changed, but ultimately, we are powerless as the decision was Luton’s. On Boxing Day against Peterborough United, the decision was that of Barnsley Football Club’s. We allowed the game to be shown. Should the decision be made that the game is available on iFollow Barnsley, this will be communicated through all club channels. Best wishes & a Happy New Year to you.
Sure Gally said in another thread that the club were looking into it. So still could be. Bet they'd be a record number for this one..
Yes the club have been trying to get it on as it's Luton's decision not to show it in the UK. Unfortunately, I heard this afternoon that Luton won't budge It will still be available to those of you abroad. Or with vpn's PM me if you need help with that
As mentioned in the other thread we haven't opted out. In fact we made the boxing day game available on iFollow. (It's the home teams choice) Luton argue it will impact gates. The club have been arguing that we've sold out our allocation so they won't lose money. The club have probably missed out on selling around 1000 subscriptions for the game. (Don't forget we gave their fans 10 quid tickets when we played them at Oakwell. In return they increased the away ticket price for our game as did Fleetwood)
We didn’t opt out for Luton match. Luton have refused to stream it and if they don’t we can’t VPN it is!