Making a real fist of staying in the PL really unlucky tonight, hope they survive it will be tough but still can't help feeling envious considering we were both promoted out of League 1 5 years ago. Considering they were in the wilderness 10 years ago and with a turnover until this season similar to us, amazing what can happen when the people at the top really care about the on field product. Remember when we had a local fan in charge in JD happy times indeed.
Would never happen in this day and age, Administration for less than 2 million, ITV digital collapse obviously didn't help, arguably run worse nowadays on all levels including financially considering we've had 7/8 million pounds worth of equity put in to keep us afloat
I think that's incredibly harsh on Julie & Nareev. You can aim blame at Conway & Lee but I think it's unfair on those 2. We moan about getting lower league players then moan about our owners having to put money in. There's no middle ground is there?
Yeah but you can't say or apparently aren't allowed to say that about this lot. They are not football people and like I pointed out last night, they only care about the business side of it. Revenue from sponsorship etc is good, but not when it comes to dismantling the team and selling off everything that moves. Especially when the replacements are always poorer and cheaper, in the hope that we can build them up, and sell them on for a profit again in a few years. And keep on repeating this appalling process again every two years, it doesn't matter what division we're in. We could be Non league for all they care, as long as we keep making a profit on player sales. And as for Collins out, what is the point, as he's not the problem... those above him are!.
But they're not making a profit though, are they? So it completely dismantles this argument. It has to be run as a business otherwise we'll have problems like Leeds, Bolton, Portsmouth, Blackpool, Wigan etc etc and I reckon we'd struggle to get back like they did. Or it could be even worse and we'd be Bury & Macclesfield.
I'm not moaning I'm merely stating the facts as a comparison versus John Dennis tenture, one took us to the PL and our first Wembley appearance, yes he put us in Administration but we've been in a far worse financial position recently to back then, unfortunately for JD his pockets weren't that deep to cope.
Agreed... you can sell an odd player or two when you have to, but you can't afford to sell a good defence, good attack, or spine of the team... tbh it's madness unless you have at least close to equal replacements in mind... the type of players watched and assessed by serious scouts rather than a bloody laptop program.
Very good post. People can cream their pants all they want over Julie Ann but the fact remains she's here to make money and if that means dismantling a team every other season then so be it. I'd perhaps be a little more supportive of these current owners (Neerav + JAQ) if their model had some structure to it, for example, if contracts and sales were staggered so a team isn't dismantled in one transfer window. This would at least present an opportunity for new, younger players to bed in at the club with the hope that the team doesn't go significantly backwards on the pitch! There appears to be no plan and no structure with regards to outgoing transfers and how that co ordinates with what's happening on the pitch and quite frankly it's a **** show off the pitch. I was pissed off that Duff walked out after everything he said but ******* hell it must be extremely hard working under this lot! Overall though I just don't see this business model working and in order for the club to progress then it requires new ownership IMO.
Watson, Eaden, Moses, Liddell, Bullock, Sheridan, Redfearn, De Zeeuw, collectively cost less than Max Watters. That's what happens when you have sensible solid recruitment balancing experience and youth without spending silly money, Just like Luton have done.
Yeah I know begrudgingly, we've always had to admit that we are a selling club. But not to this ridiculous extent that we see now. And that annoying thought that won't go away either... just how much influence do they have on players and tactics and sub's etc, for match days.