The earliest Lockdown will finish this time around. Barring a miracle. Oh and under the Act a PSCO now appears to have the same authority as your normal dibble. Brilliant.
Easter 4 day bank holiday weekend starts 2nd April. Now that will be a mad one. Open everywhere up, rinse and repeat...............
My birthday. All presents will be gratefully received be they monetary or food. Please contact me with your bank details. Your reward will come in heaven.
Vaccination won't be complete until mid 2022 at the earliest. A few factors ineptness of the government, NHS at delivering the vaccine to people. The stupid prioritising of people to get the vaccine. It needs to go to as many demographics as possible to enable proper immunity. It's dither and delay. There are daft waiting lists already. Laura won't receive hers until October this year. I work for the NHS on the front line and it won't even be thought about until staff in their fifties and sixties have all had it. Then you've your conscientious objectors that will carry on infecting people. By that I mean those who think social distancing doesn't apply to them or wearing a mask doesn't apply to them and have more bubbles than a washing up bowl. Those David Icke wannabe's that won't have the vaccine. We're miles off.
Given the current hospital admission rates, and ICU rates - particularly among the 45-64 demographics, expect it to take a similar timescale to the first lockdown to get cases (and unfortunately deaths) down to an acceptable level. Honestly, March 31st is optimistic.
Somewhat ironically the main problem hospitals are apparently having is that thanks to the steroid drug they are using (and other techniques they have learnt since the original wave), many more people are staying alive than back in April. As a result the hospitals are filling up with people who are going to recover, will take longer to die, or will require longer in hospital before leaving it. During the peak week (8th April) the highest death rate I can see on the NHS England stats is 900 people. (This is hospitals only IIRC). The highest number in the past 30 days has been 419 on the 30th December. I was told this morning of a friend who has gone for a cancer scan in Harrogate Nightingale Hospital. When they asked "Why not Leeds?" the answer came back "Well you can go there if you dont mind waiting a couple of months". Also: It's the 31st March, not March 31st. Thanks
The first lockdown was the 16th March and deaths then were 40 on that day. It peaked on the 8th April at 900 and didnt drop back to >50 until the 13th June. As you say it could be some time, especially as hospitals are likely to be fuller for longer this time and even if cases dropped off the pressure on the NHS is going to be quite long running.
I don't know why they can't just roll the doses out to hospitals to administer during routine Outpatients appointments. That way you immunise the old, the young and the vulnerable.
Rules don't apply to the Mother-in-law either. She goes where she wants but preaches to everyone else. Other week we were going to break the rules and spend a day at my sisters. (I know it's wrong but we'd had enough). Laura's mum talked Laura out of it and put dampener on things just because she wanted to come over for Sunday dinner. Her agenda came out eventually. She's here, there and everywhere though. At the farm tending to her horse socialising, ironing for folk, shopping for folk and meeting blokes off baddoo. Total hypocrite. Up to 52 million doses ordered, could be approved next month and is only a single jab. That one top of the two vaccines already approved will speed things on greatly. Wasn't it Tony Blair who said the other day there is no reason why every adult who wants one couldn't get one in the next few months. It's doable if the government get their act together. As the man in the article says if all 11,400 pharmacies do just twenty jabs a day that's 1.3 million done in a week.
This could be interrupted a number of ways. I take it means that once those who are in the high risk categories, that account for overwhelming majority of deaths are vaccinated then we may move to using hospital numbers and deaths as measures and not cases.
It's an excellent question. That is who all this is for. The lockdown wasn't for the general population it was for the vulnerable.
It will depend on the health of everyone else. It's now those in their 20s affected the most....
I'll just leave this here (from https://assets.publishing.service.g...948638/Weekly_Flu_and_COVID-19_report_w53.pdf). Proportionally, more people are now admitted to ICU from the 45-64 age group than the 75-84 or 85+ age groups and the 15-44 groups is trending worrying upwards. Who are vulnerable has shifted to younger people - possibly with the evolution of the more transmissible B117 variant that attaches easier to ACE2 receptors.
Yes. It was. First measures were the 16th (theatres closing, etc), but many people had already unofficially locked themselves down before the 23rd when it was initially announced.
Combined. And not necessarily for the treatment of Covid-19. Whatever you're admitted for, and you test positive for covid, you're in the figures, even if Covid-19 isn't detrimentally affecting you at all.