I see our top ref is taking fully on board the governments agenda of taking us back to the dark ages https://www.skysports.com/football/...riticised-for-comments-about-female-officials Words fail
Is it him with a book out soon ? I read an article recently by a ref/former ref who has a book coming out. He made some points and slagged off colleagues (including our friend Mike Riley*). Never sure if these things are real thoughts though, or trying to get book sales up. I'll try to dig out who it was. * Penalty, End Of.
It was him ... https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/mark-clattenburg-premier-league-referee-25060615 I couldn't buy the book, because he sounds an absolute cockwomble but I wouldn't mind reading it.
It’s sounds like a few of these refs might be total bellends. Almost like the profession attracts a certain sort of character...
I think he sounds thoughtless and foolish rather than evil. Typical, older generational comment. He wasn't deliberately nasty, just thoughtless.
I think before you all get the knives out and start sticking it in his back, as someone who knows how much time officiating at the top level takes, the sacrifice you have to make to achieve and maintain a position at that level especially at the time when he or I was involved. I know it cost me my relationship and almost a job due to the time involved in what was then a part time occupation. It is a cut throat profession where it is literally dog eat dog as so many are striving for so few positions, with such a short life span at the top for most. So I think what he is trying to say is if you want to take 2 to 3 years out starting a family then there is always someone eager to fill the void left which means it is difficult to pick up where you left off. I think attitudes are more liberal now than maybe when he was around and certainly when I was involved. So maybe it is not as unrealistic as it used to be. What you have to understand is that to get to the top as an official you have to believe that you are the best and everyone else is inferior so they have over inflated ego's in a lot of cases but not all. Sadly it comes with the job and yes the bitching between officials was rife as they were all trying to score points against each other to prove they were the best. Mark and the likes of Mike Dean are attention seekers as it feeds their ego sadly professional officials has made them minor celebs and they strive for the attention whilst at work. For me the best official is one who turns up and no one notices, but maybe I am just a dinosaur as well!
He's wrong anway. Everyone knows the real problem with women is <budmustang has lost internet connection>
He's expressed himself badly, but his underlying message is that it's harder for women to have families and a career. Are we saying that this is no longer the case?
Perhaps ego doesn't have a direct correlation with actual ability. Perhaps games may be officiated better without that caustic and authoritarian approach being displayed. Perhaps more compassion may work better than self centred pomposity, the like of which Dean has made his trademark. Maybe there might be less aggression from players to a female referee. Its all hearsay of course. But the barriers to a woman officiating a mens football game shouldn't be there. I can understand that there is competition. I can understand there is lots of effort required. I can understand there will be sacrifice needed. That's life. Just like (and frankly, more) being a female CEO. Or a female owner manager of your own business. Or a female partner at a law firm. Etc. If a woman wants to be a referee, who are men to say she can't be? If she wants to have a family, who are men to say she can't? If a woman is physically fit enough, has the qualifications, has progressed through the ranks and demonstrates an ability to do the job as well as if not better than a male counterpart, who are men to say she can't referee at the elite level? But you know the really sad thing? The year is 2021. And the same reasons that women can't do something are still being trotted out pretty much the same as they were in the 70's, 80's, 90's etc. Anyone might be forgiven in thinking men are threatened or something.
As someone who has just watched quite a lot of the Olympics I'd observe that being a mother didn't stop six members of Team GB competing in Tokyo. Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce won the 100m FFS. The thing you describe with regards to 'how much time officiating at the top level takes' is true of any career at the higher levels. Saying someone essentially needs to choose between being a mother and having a top class career in any discipline is simply out of kilter with reality.
I aagree with you & I listened on sports radio a recording of what he said , he have put it better but there is a lot of logical common sense in his message & you only have to read people"s response on here that he would get slaughtered but I thought his comments would go down like a lead balloon but highlighting the difficulties for women should not be swept under the carpet .
Taking nothing away from the pocket rocket - the 100m was won by Elaine Thompson-Herah and S-A F-P was second. Think Herah also won the 200 metres. Both Herah and S-A F-P members of Jamaican gold medal winning relay team. Watched film about the Tokyo Olympics of 1964 - Anne Packer winning the 800 metres - that was the longest distance race women were allowed to compete in at that time. o/t what has happened to the standing of the men's 4 X 100 metre relay with C J Ujah being suspended after failing a drugs test?
You're right, apologies. We'll be stripped of the bronze for certain. Thought I'd read his second sample was also positive.