Part of the original 5 mill deal was a balance of 2 mill paid after 50 apps how many has he made now for Swansea
48. So hopefully he plays a couple more over Christmas/January then goes for £25m or so. Not a bad start for the new owners balance sheet!
Oh dear. What's the betting he tweaks his hamstring at the weekend and leaves after playing 49 games for them....?!
I think it would be more likely they exclude him for selection if they know he's leaving so they don't have to pay the £2m...
I’m not sure the “number of game” clauses works as clear cut as that any more due to some examples of players careers being impacted and clubs losing money. Now there are often clauses that mean if he is sold that a percentage of the agreed appearance related fee is owed. Selling clubs got wise to this being a way for buying clubs to artificially inflate the value of transfers.