In a cafe in Brigadoon, having his lunch with Lord Lucan and Elvis. He was tucking into a meal of Nessie nuggets with unicorn-on the cob. Elvis had a big-foot long subway. Lucan had Angel hair pasta in Pega-sauce and yeti milk cheese on Kraken. The manager said "It's unbelievable, I never thought I'd see it. I always thought McBurnie was a f*****g myth.
I don't see the big deal either. He's scored 5 goals for Swansea U23 but apart from that I think he's only scored about 8 senior goals since 2013. No doubt someone will correct me on that though.
That's a bit odd, as I'm sure he was spotted earlier today having lunch with Jason Barker. Perhaps @JLWBigLil will be able to confirm that one?
I can indeed, old mate. Jason Barker is now working as his agent.* Honest(!) *Disclaimer. I'm fibbing.