What’s the value like these days? Not been for a while but I do miss the freshness and the variety available. Has it gone up significantly since the traders’ rents were hiked?
Don't know if it's gone up or not. Cheaper in supermarket. I use market every week, enjoy shopping and speaking to stall holders. Got some useful fish cooking advice from Angus on fish stall.
Can't say I've really noticed. On price. Percies have gone up. Grrr But would rather pay that little bit extra when we visit town. ( at least once a week.) And buy out of the market for fresh produce. We still do a supermarket shop for other essentials. ( not as often as we used to) But we like to think we're helping local traders. And the local economy. I do understand the need for some. To watch the pennies. That's the sad society we live in. Bear in mind supermarket prices have gone through the roof for some basics.
Talking to a builder the other day he says materials for the building trade have gone through the roof (pardon the pun) he told me last year a pallet of roofing lats cost him 30 odd quid last week he had to pay £70 odd, sand and cement are at ridiculous prices and top it off he told me bricks are 70 odd pence apiece any builders on here that can confirm this?
After years of doing our Saturday morning shop on the market we said enough is enough. Got fed up of getting the scrag ends from the back of the display so now we get our veg from the supermarket, at least we can see what we're getting.
Last bricks I bought for my own use, was a London brick 2010 @ £500 p/th, so 70p not bad. £1 per brick to lay now! Bought a load of timber December 20, then ordered a repeat amount April 21 30% increase. By the way, is there a builder's merchant stall on Barnsley market?
I know the prices have gone through the roof, but we ‘Got brexit done!’ (Done being the operative word)
At present i get sand, ballast at £36 per tonne, same price as for the past two years. Brick prices are dependent on the type of brick you buy, do that's a scaremongering statement in my eye, and he's definitely paying way way over the odds regarding roofing latts!!! Been in the trade roughly 40 years; builders in the main love to ******** to customers in my opinion ! Ask him how much cement has gone up? I still get same rates as I've always had, the only issue, on the odd occasion, is supply.
Actually, he did mention cement he said " cement will soon be £ 8 a bag the way things are going up" his words. I remember last year I was trying to get a bag of cement and could not get one for love na money, none even at KDA If I remember right someone on BBS told me to go down Stairfoot and I got a bag there cannot remember the price.
I know at least one builder who's lying about prices so he can charge more. quoted me for a job and when I asked him why it was so high, he said 'it's materials pal'. I asked him how much materials price was, and it was more than I could get them for myself. he wouldn't do the job labour only either. 'not worth the hassle pal, I've got jobs queuing up'
Go to the market every Saturday: Dave and Dave's for fruit and veg, (pretty much pick my own stuff - oldschooltyke), Barkers for meat, flowers from the cheap stall outside YBS. Better than the supermarket for me.
I'm paying £4.60 per bag (paper). The waterproof ones are a quid dearer. I did hear from the builder's merchants i use that plaster went up like a rocket, and wood went up 22%. 20 squared metres of Indian Stone, in pallets, went up by an extra £130 virtually overnight after that boat got stuck in Suez. I reckon that was the suppliers being greedy, mind.
Price of steel is astronomical. Job I’m organising on the a57 prices almost doubled since I tendered it last year. It’s the delays in materials that’s impact us though. Timber is another one.