Been in Barnsley for six weeks now. Pleased to see he has now been joined by his wife and son. That tells us that he's happy and hopefully intent on staying beyond this season. He says in today's Chronicle " I feel settled now. It's important my family are with me. I have a small boy, so it's good I can spend time with him. I am happy here at Barnsley and I believe we can stay in the league." Commenting on Mads Andersen, Sollbauer says he responded professionally to being dropped and thinks he will come back stronger as he's been working very hard in training.
I don't think there was ever an issue with Mads training, his girlfriend is coming over to live with him so I hope he gets another chance in the team now we seem more solid. One advantage of taking a young child to another country is the opportunity to become bilingual. The age does matter though, because once they get too old schooling comes more into the equation. Good news he's feeling settled and I hope his wife and son settle too
It's a safe answer from Soll regarding 'training'. Maybe there wasn't an issue with Mads in training, but sadly there is with Mads on the pitch, and it's been laid bare for all to see. Hope the lad recovers and gains some confidence, but I would leave him out for the remainder of the season. It's too big a risk to put him back in unfortunately.
Wifes’s son lives in Switzerland with his German partner. They have an 18month old son he speaks to him in English only and his partner speaks to him only in German. Very strange when you hear an 18 month old speaking,as well as an 18 month old can speak, in 2 languages.
Me and my wife have done that with my daughter since she was born. My wife speaks to her only in spanish and always pretends not to understand if she tries to speak to her in English We have a mexican Netflix subscription so she watches all the kids tv in Spanish as well. Works though, shes 5 now and speaks both languages equally as well
It's was a bit slower in our experience, but not massively. Well worth it as you say. The biggest delay was in our daughter writing both languages correctly. One of the best things we've found with bringing a child up bilingual, is that they have an inate understanding of languages, meaning that they can then learn more of them very easily. Our daughter started studying French intensively aged seven, and was completely fluent in eight months. Obviously she doesn't have the vocabulary range of a native French child, but she speaks without mistakes and with no trace of a foreign accent. It's absolutely incredible.