Jesus, I miss having intelligent people with principles in positions of power. If you’ve not seen it, it’s incredibly inspiring. A time when the world was just a bit mad.
It's ace. Can absolutely recommend the Making Obama podcast too.
How have we gone from being governed by people with intelligence and grace and humanity and charisma to this fk*cing ****? I don't feel part of the human race anymore. I don't watch TV any more. I don't own one. I don't read newspapers. None of this is mine. Brexit, idiots in power, hundreds of thousands of deaths because there's no plan or policy, no protection for our vulnerable, raging self obsession and selfishness to the point that it genuinely makes me physically sick when our well off and healthy put the fear of contracting a disease that they will find unpleasant at worst above the welfare of millions. I didn't vote for this, I don't want it, will someone please stop the world so I can get off. I definitely won't be watching . How many families did her husband throw out of their houses post 2008 crash ? Seems their doing ok though . Martha's vineyard is supposed to be nice .
For someone who is apparently not a fan of Trump and impartial you seem to have a weird thing about Obama and CNN. Not sure how him buying a new house is relevant to owt.
You really don’t like the Obama’s do you. You would almost think you would rather have Trump in charge from some of your posts.
Apart from the not watching TV bit I fully echo the rest. It’s even worse than I feared possible when Trump and Later Johnson won it’s a never ending nightmare.
That would depend on your understanding of the 2008 crash and what actually happened . The guys a sellout , and his wife . Of course now he makes a living giving speeches to the people he helped out back then Instead of the people he should have helped . 5 million plus families got evicted under Obama by the way .
The most recent US president is the highest paid public speaker in the world? Well I never... What's he meant to do? Turn the money down and live on the streets?
Didn't the 2008 crash hit within his first 100 days in office? So he was dealing with the repercussions of sub-prime? I frequently defend the fact that the 2008 crash wasn't caused by Labour overspending on here. I presume you feel the same. So it would be strange to lay the criticism at Obama's door when we argue (rightly) that it wasn't Labour's fault either (except for deregulation) when they'd been in power since 1997. Obama inherited a mess to which there were no easy answers or responses. Not saying he got everything right but I certainly don't hold that vitriol against him that you have. Not sure how any of that can be laid at Michelle Obama's door either.
They are charming and intelligent people. That said, Obama's inability/ unwillingness to hold Wall Street the banking sector to account after the financial crisis is one big reason why Trump could make his pitch to the disenfranchised
He wasn’t the president in 2008z. The banking crisis began in 2007 and the epicentre was 2008. Obama began office in 2009. Seriously to blame him for the banking crisis is ludicrous.
I'm not blaming him for the banking crisis , moreover the response to the banking crisis . Do remember , at the time the Dems controlled the senate / house and the presidency but then chose to bail the people who caused the crash instead of civvy street who were literally thrown under a bus . As spirit Dutch has explained , this then led to a crash in support for the Dems and made trump's pitch to the public far more easier . Mind you , trying to pitch Hilary to the American public was never going to work as voters saw pretty much more of the same as they had witnessed in the previous 8 years under Obama .
You and your facts. I think you are wasting your breath with some people though. After all the Obamas might be buying a nice house. And charge rich organisations heavily for speeches. They must be evil Have you read Michelle Obama’s book by the way I found it a great read (doubt I will be reading Melania’s book if she writes one though)
Huge Yanis fan. And I agree with what should have happened. But that does ignore context and reality. Firstly you are talking about a country that sees the most minor form of regulation and intervention as creeping communism. Secondly the US system of government just doesn't give that level of freedom to a president, particularly when the Congressional Democratic Party is somewhere in the territory of a Ken Clarke. And thirdly we are talking about a brand new president in his first couple of months in power, dealing with a whole raft of crisis which most would only expect to deal with in a whole term in office. Its not unsurprising that he had to lean heavily on the advice around him, and the US state apparatus isn't full of people like Yanis, and where it is they're a lone voice in the room. I'll argue Yanis's case all day long, and might convince a few people of the flaws of capitalism. But very few countries electorates have yet to be convinced. It is telling that he has to draw on Sweden as the example of somewhere being progressive. The criticism here is of capitalism. Actually that's not true. It's of the form of capitalism the world has embraced which is one in which we are not prepared to let businesses and sectors fail. In some ways its worse than the purest form. But to lay all that at Obama's door? Subprime was years in the making, and the whole world bailed out the banks and then failed to regulate them, not just the US. It was a failing of our very economic system rather than the actions of a new term president who, let's not forget, launched one of the biggest economic stimulus packages in history aimed at helping working people (although again part of a flawed system). I certainly don't believe Obama's intentions were to protect rich bankers.