I love a good supermarket shop and I love washing up. Don't mind hoovering or ironing but can't be bothered with dusting. Middle aged blokes can't see dust, it's a scientific fact.
Meanwhile, it appears to be a law that everyone in the family can leave stuff on the stairs to be taken upstairs - but it is my job only, to actually do it. Other members of the family could walk past the same ***** for weeks on end without moving it.
Is this actually a thing? I've seen it mentioned a lot about people leaving things on the stairs and the mum/wife having to move it but I can honestly say I don't ever remember seeing anything on the stairs when I was growing up, or as an adult in any house I've lived in or at any relatives houses either. Are we the weird ones? Actually don't answer that
We never left stuff on stairs, but growing up my brother & sisters used to take it upstairs (clothes basket for example), but instead of putting them away, just leave it on the bed for me mam to sort - not me though, honest (!)
Changing the bed......... and how often is a whole other can of worms. Are we morphing into Loose Women. Hospital corners.
I'm a married man in my 60s. I quite enjoy food shopping, especially the bit at the selve serve till, where I send an assistant off to the shelves to check the price of a product because it's come up at a higher price than the marked price. I don't mind washing up. My wife cooks far more often than I do, so it seems only fair that I clean up afterwards. I like to do it with my earplugs in, with my music on random play. Regardless of what songs pop up, they're guaranteed to be better than the Oakwell music experience. When I do cook, it's a simpler menu. Chips, sausages, beans. Stuff on toast. Soup. Anything that you can bung in the oven or microwave. I don't iron, but I can handle the hoover. Non-smoker. Good sense of humour.
As a relatively recent single man, I have to say that the thing I miss the least about my previous married life, 100%, is the mother in law. That I never have to see that ratbag again almost makes me forgive the cheating wife!
Usually when the wife shouts from wherever she is "have you got a minute?" Sure fire way for the old shoulders to slump followed by a silent meaningful groan.
Just thinking out of the box for a moment. Have you tried 1. Buying a bungalow 2. Murdering your entire family 3. Never allowing any products to ever be brought into the house 4. Installing an escalator?
Our eldest does that. She sleeps in the attic bedroom. The flight of stairs we leave items on lead to her bedroom. Yet she can leave them there for days on end. Then when you ask why they havent been moved her reply is often "i didnt realise they were for me"
That's because as married men we have a blind spot re said items and an inbuilt knowledge if we do move them it will turn out to be wrong!"