Not good mate. Never suffered myself but my young lad has had some terrible pains with them. Hope they pass soon for you.
I had several bouts until I had them Lasered and was told several times that the pain is the nearest a man will ever get to feel labour pains
Had it lasered this morning. I'd done a crash course in pain killers yesterday and overnight. Oral, rectal, intravenous and injection. Couldn't get enough of em. Am now stuck in a ward of four with the Cork equivalent of Uncle fecking Colm. He's on the sixth of the last stories he's going to tell and still going. I'm about to kill him!
He's driving me fecking nuts, Ian. Barely slept for 36 hours and this fecker is rattling on about ghost stories. He's spent the rest of the day listening to daft conspiracy theories on YouTube. Home tomorrow thank god.
I had this a couple of years ago to crush a stone. In my bladder which was sore after 37 radio therapy sessions on my man gland. The pain from the stone was unbelievable. I was a new man overnight.
Hopefully they can sort you out before it gets lodged. The pain killers are good but only last so long. I think when they realised their best painkillers were barely lasting an hour and a half they decided to put me on the emergency list for theatre.
Be careful if they start throwing codeine at you. It makes you constipated and when you stop you end up sweating like a pig during the night. Horrible side effects.