Out in the car, back again. Constantly 6, 8, sometimes 10 times a day. I can't believe he needs to go out that many times for essential food and medical supplies. He must think the official government's guidelines don't apply to him. Fuming i am. By the way, I know what his job is - he's an estate agent. Is there any way of reporting people for continuing to flout the guidelines?
The pr1ck who lives opposite me also believes that the rules don't apply to him but he's a tw*t all the time anyway so he's just carrying on as normal.
You could try squirting expanding foam up his exhaust pipe. That should promote self isolation to him.
To be going out that many times I suspect he probably is helping others as part of a coordinated effort. He wouldn't have that many reasons for himself to go that many times, that many days in a row. I bet people on our street at annoyed at us going out in the car with our guide dog every day but they don't know our circumstances.
His job has no relevance to whether or not he's volunteering though does it? But yes you can report him here https://www.reportingcrime.uk/SYPBreachOfCovid19Guidance/
I know, but surely if you were volunteering then you wouldn't be coming back home up to 10 times a day though would you? Thanks for the form though.
I wouldn't have thought so but you never know I guess. As I see it you're better off reporting him and I'm sure they'll follow it up quickly and easily to check. Worst case they waste a bit of time and you find out your neighbour is a good guy. Either way there's no harm and only benefits
Wouldn't the best course of action be to talk to him? Since when did we start reporting people because they're leaving the house when we have no knowledge what they're doing?
Fair point Jay and you're right it is by far the better option. Quite worried that it never crossed my mind to be honest.
Today ive been out 4 times. Walked dog. Needs a good couple miles/ half hour playing ball. Walked to town and back with two lots of shopping. Split shopping at home and walked to drop it off. Walked dog again. The only time ive seen any crowds more than normal was shopping. Does that mean some grass is going to dob me in?
How about everyone stops acting like they’re in the f@cking Stasi and just looks after their own behaviour?