I've spoken a little on this forum, trying to give debates a sense of what I believed was context and realism, as well as what I felt as a fan. I find myself disappointed and genuinely surprised; having met the man a few times maybe I was naive into thinking I had my measure of him. Although I wasn't happy about the negative state of play in the last few months, I still believe this is down more to lack of credible creative midfield signings and Adam's decline than how our head coach wanted to play. Maybe I just believed the hype; well run club, local manager, longer term foreign investment, young talent, seemed that we alone were doing things 'the right way'. Results and on pitch performance, which have been *****, felt like a short term dip in a longer rise to something special. Particularly when you compare with the f*** up jobs that were going on at Shillsborough, Bellend Rd and Sunderland among others Football it seems is an endless series of 'fresh starts' but I sincerely hope we don't get sucked into the managerial merry go-round. Particularly not that crook Gary Monk. A long term appointment would be my preference but perhaps I should recognise that football will never work like that again. Grayson will do for me of the managers available right now, but I imagine Mr Lee, Conway and co will have their own man in mind. It's worth noting that they changed the coach at Nice early on, backed him in the markets and reaped the reward. A coach who was considered a bit of a coup of the club too...Perhaps they felt they were too constrained by PH's popularity to do that here. More importantly is that we finally recruit a comprehensive, well resourced and talented backroom team. PH preferred working in small groups of pals but we need to make sure that this situation of half the backroom staff upping sticks one Monday afternoon does not happen again. I fear this will be more damaging than PH decided to renege on his contract before the ink is even dry. I'll be getting behind the lads on Saturday, hopefully we can stuff the ********. Then, who knows? Up the Reds.
Great post. I know what you'll all say but I'm finding it frustrating that through a full transfer window and now this we've shown absolute no difference in clout due to our new owners whatsoever. I didn't expect them to be daft but I expected... Something.
You and me both, there was summit amiss with those two French lads that turned us down, if PH had sounded anywhere near as flat and down in private as he had in public these last two weeks then maybe that played a role. I heard there was an option on Mahoney which, if true is an example of this new clout. Moore was PH's man, as was Oli McB. I hope to god we haven't, but suspect we have, thrown a large sum of money at PH to sign this new deal, and that negotiation will have used up resources in cash and time.