This might be a million miles off being true, but I was thinking about the North Stand now being called ‘The Barry Murphy stand’. By naming it after Barry (which is a nice touch by the way), have Barnsley not lost the opportunity to sell sponsorship for it as they have the East and Ponty? Knowing how keen the club are to make a few quid, I wonder if naming rights for the whole stadium rather than individual stands is just around the corner?
You can still sell sponsorship rights for the stand. It could become ‘The Investment Room Barry Murphy Stand’ quite easily. There must be a reason we haven’t recently sponsored the stands though? Been a while since my season ticket was for the Ora Stand.
Maybe they've struggled to get sponsors. Can't remember the North stand being sponsored unless Palmers did it for a while. Is the Ponty End still sponsored by CK Beckett?
Ah yes. The CK Beckett Stand. Had forgotten. Maybe they’ve struggled but realistically the only reason to struggle is having your asking price too high. Part of me thinks there must be another reason. Feels clunky to have every stand sponsored and maybe the infrastructure costs to change it offset any commercial benefit?
The announcer always shouts "....... and the CK Beckett South Stand". Which subconsciously works well cos whenever I need a new South Stand I instinctively check CK Beckett for any decent deals .
Isn't your ticket currently for the CK Beckett stand? Mine is for the investment room east stand and when the west stand closed the club announced the DX west stand was closing
I feel like I’ve rarely made the pre-match announcement for years, mainly due to FanZone/Redfearn’s Bar. Maybe the stands are already sponsored then. My digital ticket just says expired so I haven’t looked at it properly all season. Just find it for the QR Code. Having checked it doesn’t name the stand.
I said 'years' and I said 'mainly'. If you take the 140+ home games from the last seven years. I was locked out of around 30 of them, worked Redfearn's/FanZone for another 80+,arrived bang on kick off from parking my car or having a pint in town for about ten, and missed a dozen or so.
The Club doesn't own the Stadium so I don't see how they can sell the naming rights to all of Oakwell.
The home dressing room is going to be renamed as a memorial to the Lusitania until the end of the season.