today a little sparrow hopped down in front of the garage where I was working. As usual I started to talk to it, as I do with any creature but this time it didn't try to fly away. I crouched down and was able to pick it up and saw to my dismay it was blind, or more to the point its eyes were shut, eyelids seemingly stuck together. It couldn't see me or else it would have flown away. I called my wife and got her to try to clean its eyes with warm water. She couldn't do anything which made a difference so had no choice but to give it a drink and put it on a tree branch. It must have been pecked by other birds, it was otherwise quite healthy and fully grown. Poor little mite..... what can you do?
Ah mate, that's so sad. I love all animals but nature can also be cruel, especially when you can't help something. Hope it's surviving.