We've seen a couple down here the last few weeks, and a small blue butterfly I've not seen before. My personal favourite at this time of year, just because of how bizarre they are.... the bee fly! They absolutely love grape hyacinths.
Thanks for that, I couldn't tell if there was any black clipping the edge of its wings, but it was the other end of the garden.
Sheep are stupid. We live surrounded on all sides by them, the lambs are a couple of weeks old, this one is the 3rd I've saved in a week, got itself stuck in a feeder, another one had its head through the fence, another front legs in a drinking trough and couldn't back out. It's no wonder they haven't taken over the world. Plain daft. But cute.
Its got the body of a bee, a really long nose (proboscis) and has long dangly legs. But flies like a hoverfly. Strange but entertaining little creature.
I was outside in the backyard on Sunday and saw a bee/wasp land on the wall. It looked like a wasp but it had a dark brown body? Never seen anything like it before.
There are so many variations of things and I hope the decline of many of them can be slowed and reversed. I've not seen a blackbird in our garden this year, crazy. Though the song thrush has returned and the usual suspects are around. I've seen one stag beetle here in 15 years, my other half says she used to see huge swarms of them in summer in Kent when she was a kid. Still, have to enjoy what we have while we have it.
They are all harmless and have little interest in people generally, unless we put them at risk. I can watch bees in the garden for hours and have often rescued a worn out bee with a bit of sugar dissolved in water on a spoon.