If we sack Jose tonight then who would we realistically be able to get in who could fix things in four days? If it's someone from outside he doesn't know the players, or it's Harsley, under whom we looked underwhelming. Disco and Bobby? Incidentally, I think it's immaterial as I don't believe Morais will be sacked this evening, but even if he is I think we are totally stuffed.
I doubt we could get anybody external this late on, may swell throw Harsley in for last two games we're gunna lose with JM anyway so doesn't matter, JM is not gunna get us out of L1 it's even further away from his experience level
Did George make it to the match tonight? Or he got delayed looking around some textile outlets in the Nottingham Lace Market?
I understand he’s still partying in queens court from Saturday night in Leeds - he was having a wild but splendid time!
Harsley and his team got a positive reaction against Sheffield Wednesday. Give it him for the last two games and take it from there.