Wednesday fans will be in the sun and roasting hot. We will be freezing cos we’re in the shady part of the stadium and there will be loads of gaps/ no body heat. !!!
It’s going to be a warm ‘un down there for sure! Forecast looks warm for this week going into the Bank Holiday. The Pigs love mentioning attendances. It's nothing like our biggest game ever.
Classic Wednesday. Lapping it up. We had a bigger game 24 months ago in the Championship play offs whilst they were being relegated from said league.
My conversation with a Wendies “fan” on Saturday, no doubts replicated a million times this week…. Me: Gonna Wembley then Wendie: No Wendie: How many fans do you get ♂️ It would make me so happy to do the treble over ‘em
Remind me never to click on your links ever again. And we're seriously becoming as obsessed with them as they are with us. We need to drop it.