Tried getting this for my mum when she was alive,with experience how anyone qualifies for this is beyond me.
Its almost impossible but we did manage to get it for my Mum for the last few months of her life but by then it was clear she hadn't got so long left and I think different rules apply, making it a bit easier if someone is in the last 6 months of their life. Also the District Nurse filled out the form which I think helped. But for several years before that my Dad was paying for care visits out of his own pocket at over £650 per week. Mum was partially paralysed needed a winch to get from bed to a special chair, on a peg feed and had to have drugs administed daily but that didn't qualify when we originally applied. It was only when she deteriorated further we finally got the care paid for. Its a false economy as it costs far less to support someone in their own home as it does to have them blocking a hospital bed which is what happens to many that should be cared for at home.