But Peter Faulding the 'diving expert' said she wasn't in the river....Cops have screwed up this investigation. Her personal issues should have remained private and not shared with the public.
Her personal issues were released for one reason and one reason only. To stop the absolute pricks from accusing her poor partner (and others) of murder, something which thousands of people have been doing quite openly on not just the internet but in 'real life' too turning up in the area and making accusations.
Massive failure and an absolute total **** up from the police, its worrying that we can't trust the people that are supposed to be protecting us. R.I.P Nicola .
Well the case has perplexed me, she seemed to have vanished without a reason and leaving no tell tale signs, note or argument on the phone, dog off the lead.
Not necessarily. As I understand it the police were as certain as they could be that she was in the river. Armchair detectives on social media, fuelled by one of underwater divers saying that they would have found her if so, led to the police divulging the info about her vulnerability.
Led by a guy desperate for publicity for his new book. Under those circumstances the only mistake I think the police made was allowing him to become part of the search
I've not really followed any of this. I just hope if it is her body that's been recovered, it gives the family the closure they need, to start moving on.
Well I have not been following it too closely and do not bother with any social media beyond this site, but it seems to me as though the whole scenario has panned out pretty much in accordance with how the police have been saying that they expected it would. Having read in the papers the contributions of so called experts who have been saying that a normal fit and healthy woman of her age could not have ended up drowned from that spot, and the family being (100%) convinced that the river was not her final resting place, it seems only prudent to release further information to justify why the police thought (correctly it seems as it has turned out) that the river claimed her. There's no point spending a fortune on following highly unlikely possibiities and leads from those attention seeking and unprofessionally trained. The police should just be left to get on with the job without the media circus of modern day existence. You could also make a case for the matter having highlighted the perils of rivers, menopause and alcohol by virtue of the way the police have dealt with it, rather than concentrating on bashing them. Anyway, a sad ending whichever way it's observed.