Will be remembered with mainly anger for her hardline policies on lockdown and gender reforms, alongside her failure to deliver her main goal of an independent Scotland.
Isn't Mhairi Black an MP? - so unable to be first minister without some form of election? The new first minister and party leader would need to be an MSP
Nicola Sturgeon - Good communicator, clever debater, heavyweight politician compared to many of the also rans we have today. Fell into the trap of surrounding herself with sycophants and playing to her own audience, much like many other leaders who get carried away with their own popularity.
I liked her as a person and politician, but she was probably wasted, because it's not quite the right time for a push for Scottish independence. 10 years too early possibly.
I admire her, passionate, forthright and a decent orator, I didn't agree with all she said, but, her good attributes far outweigh her faults.
Wasnt Salmond an MP when he became leader? With Jimmy Krankie as his mouthpiece in the Scottish Parliament?