Come on BFC, get it running as it should. I’d guess bulk of spare seats in ground will be front of East and Ponte end. No good for young kids and the older folk in winter with little cover from the weather. Get the North Stand segregated, and re-house the West Stand Season ticket holders in there. Can’t be more than 1,500 ticket holders in West. And we’ve limited away fans to 2,000. So there’s lots of room for segregation, and we’ve already played Millwall at home!
Access to that empty section tricky though. Can’t have home and away fans milling together can they? Would long-standing west stand people really want to walk round the Ponty, the ES then to the back of the NS? I don’t think that would go well. Plus sitting behind the goal? Don’t think so
I would, I’m going to have move myself and 6 others in our group. If I’ve got to move to East Stand, then walking further to the North ain’t an issue. Get piss wet through in East Lower, or dry in North Stand - no-brainer for me!
Could be easily made assessable from East stand but while ever there’s enough seats in other stands I can’t see them doing this unless it’s gonna be a long term problem .
Should happen huddersfield and other clubs manage it. I wouldnt like sitting there this season though getting piss took out of us by opposing fans when we don't manage a shot on goal.
Didn’t they come out with some drivel about the turnstiles being seized ? Whip round for some WD40 anyone
Transfer the stewards from the West to the North. Just over 1,000 fans affected according to the club. 2,000 away fans means there’s 3,000 seats to segregate us. Surely that’s enough! Remaining seats in Ponte and East will be at low level - where you get wet and cold. No good for the young kids or elderly - in fact no one really tbf!
Easy solution, away fans (max 1000) sit nearest East stand and approach from Pontefract Road, the rest of the seats available for home fans!
Is it though? I thought the extra turnstiles are the East stand car park side of the North Stand and there was a small ammount of remedial work required to get them up and running. (Never really paid much attention there though)
Don't see the issue with sharing the North stand and having the same access route as away fans. Quite a few stadiums where you can roam around the entire stadium externally as an away fan.. Also been to other grounds where a stand was shared with turnstyles directly next to the home fans. Or is Barnsley the exception where we attack all away fans? What's the issue? You can always keep away fans in the ground for 10 mins after the final whistle, again done at other clubs. Don't get the fear factor of letting fans mix. WIth the exception of a few knobs which happens everywhere, fans can mix without killing each other. It wouldn't take long to worm out the idiots and ban em for life with a complementary criminal record.
Given that there has been instances this season of away fans fighting each other, (including ours at Blackpool) I wouldn’t be confident that fans can mix without incident. The various issues that arise during a game can sometimes make a normally mild- mannered person stand up and shout out. That could easily trigger a reaction from a nearby opposing fan
We could all take folding camping chairs and sit in the opponents penalty area. We'll not get in anyone's way and won't require stewards. Then as a nod to the halcyon Brewery Stand days, we can simply relocate to t' other end for the 2nd half? Win / win.
Although if they are offering refunds for season tickets in west, some people may take the money as a get out clause for the rest of the season
Said before though - 2k max away fans currently. 1.1k fans from West Stand - leaves about 3k empty seats to segregate between. Can’t be that difficult. And we’ve already played Millwall…..