Bizarre innit? Anyone got any theories, conspiracist or otherwise? Can't be the Ruskies behind it, cos we the people now love 'em for running such a brill football tournament, with the Soviet proletariat showing how friendly they are to Jonny Foreigner. Surely Putin wouldn't want to stick a dagger into his World Cup ball, when everyone's saying nice things about his wonderful country. And surely they'd have targeted Harry Kane.
Well if that's the case they must have stumbled upon the container it was transported in because had it been left in the open it would have long since degraded by now. The most interesting thing was how the media didnt speculate in the slightest about who it was who administered the dose, where they were or what they looked like and whether they were still running around the UK carrying potentially lethal nerve agents. A crime with no criminal.
Truth of the matter is that they don't know how it got where it did. Their initial thoughts were the couple had ingested some type of contaminated heroin product and now as Pontyender rightly says, they are surmising that it's some residual matter from the earlier Skripal incident.
Novichok doesn't degrade. The police and anti-terrorism authorities are looking at the possibility that it was discarded after the Skripal attack and the couple who have just become ill from it have ingested it in some way.
It’s weird how both locations are only a few miles away from each other & guess what’s in the middle? Porton Down, a British science park where chemical testing is known to happen. My money would be on human error or a rogue employee before the Russians that’s for sure
Not true apparently. So as I said it's possible the canister it was in was found and these two thought opened it for whatever reason and suffered the consequences. It's virtually unthinkable that the person who was initially responsible simply tipped the contents out somewhere and there it sat for many weeks until someone bent down, wiped their hands on it and then became ill.
Possibly, or the Russians are basically running round the country planting it to make that look the case. Who knows. I'd certainly not rule either out.
I think as a nation we’ve been lied to constantly about Russia for a long time. This portrayal in the media seems the exact opposite of what people over there are finding out. Obviously they’re far from perfect but if they wanted this Russian who’s been poisoned dead they could’ve done it when they had him locked up only a few years ago & made it look like suicide or natural causes & it wouldn’t have made any headlines. Either way something doesn’t add up & I’m not even sure we’re been told the truth about the substance is involved, a lot of people with knowledge of the subject don’t think that the police are wearing the right gear if it is the substance they’re telling us it is
Seems more like the locals aren't sniffing the right gear. My own theory is that a rogue Porton Down employee with an aversion to dogging is, with silence and deadliness, seeking to neutralise Wiltshire of this tardiness before it reaches Stonehenge car park.
It's not as if the UK Government via Porton Down has a long history of testing all kinds of stuff on its own population is it? Oh.