Good. I've lost count of the number of near misses I've had when out on the push iron due to ******** motorists.
On the same footing it might be an idea to educate those pillocks who when doing training runs down Grimethope bypass think they are in the tour de France and suddenly break from the pack with out looking over their shoulder ....the amount of times I've had to swerve to miss them is unbelievable and yes i give them a wide enough berth... Same when they are coming onto the roundabout against the school colliers way they just enblock swarm on to the roundabout regardless that those already on it have right of way....some off them have a death wish.....I've lost count of the amount of times I've seen some almost knocked off All because of time trials ...
I seem to spend half my time whilst out on my bike gesturing to motorists that they should give more clearance. Usually if they see me in their rear view mirror, I get a gesture back of an altogether different nature.... To be fair though, I would say that since the change to the highway code which now specifies 1.5m as the minimum clearance, the situation has definitely got better. Most drivers give me plenty of room.
Plenty of idiots out there on bikes also, abit of education/ enforcement both ways wouldn't go amiss. Many don't even use (the very few) designated cycle lanes or paths. I personally wouldn't even entertain the idea of riding a push bike with the current state of the roads and the volume of traffic. Good luck to those that do tho.
Remember that video, where the driver got out and chased the cyclist, and fell arse over tit lol. And nobody was near him when he fell, so I hope he din't get a penalty or a free kick for it.
We have been encouraging in driver training for years, just like the cycle training that is out there. However I think since the introduction of enforcement that this is working much better. Don't forget cyclist will be prosecuted too if observed. Surprised the police have the man power since the tory cuts in policing.
Yeah thats the video, I tried putting it on here but for some reason it has to be watched on YT. The driver is a moron, but he did make some valid points during all that spit and drivel.
Glad my work moved to Dodworth as the cycle route from Wombwell to Northern General had bits on the road that were awful due to knob head drivers. Now it's all up the TPT with just a bit of road in Dodworth. Coincidentally- more people say hello in the Barnsley area when out and about cycling. Anywhere in Deedarland they just ignore you.
Why not cycle on the causey? Cyclists to give pedestrians the same respect as they expect from motorists. Problem solved!!!