When I returned from the supermarket yesterday I found that some ****** had put a scratch down the drivers side of the car, from the head light down the wing and down the drivers door. About 4 foot long this scratch is, looks like it been "keyed". To say I was in a bad mood yesterday is an understatement, bloody livid. Anyways, what's the best way to get this sorted, can you spray paint the scratch out? Does anyone know someone who can sort this out? Any help and advice appreciated, thanks
Depends how deep the scratch is. If it's too deep to tcut out then it might need a complete respray. Then it might be cheaper to pay the insurance excess and get it done properly. Get a quote and see what it might cost.
Bit of a nightmare with modern vehicle painting techniques, it's called Clear over Base (clear lacquer over a matt base colour). You have to put the base colour on the scratch and then use something like T-Cut to remove it all from the undamaged surrounding area before then applying the lacquer and again cutting it back. I would get it done by one of these scratch specialists if you're that bothered about it. I reckon they go round supermarket car parks doing it just to get the business....
Try running your thumbnail across the scratch. If you can feel it (your nail gets stuck very, very briefly), it won't polish out. If so, a SMART repairer may be able to repair it (fill it and spray, I'm afraid). You have my sympathy, as someone did this to me recently, along the whole length of my car.
I had a rather deep scratch sorted by a guy in Wakefield. Cost £200. Let me know if you need contact details.
It's very annoying Tyke. Once happened to me in the Asda car park at Durkar. I had a Toby Tyke sticker in my rear window. A fellow motorist told me they had seen a lad wearing a Leeds United shirt was acting suspiciously near my car. On closer inspection, he had keyed my paintwork in several places. It was a lease car so apart from the excess it didn't cost me a lot but I was fuming so I know how you feel.