Is it available at restaurants that have a take away facility? I.e. can you get the discount and take the food home?!
No. It's aimed at making the places busier inside to encourage bringing staff back from furlough. Delivery/Takeaway business was already there as an option during lockdown. There's a campaign at the minute for it to be extended in to September. I hope that happens.
the fast food outlets such as McDonald’s aren’t stopping you walking out with your food, they are even serving the eat in trade in takeaway bags I’ve been told.m i think you’ve got to go through the charade of pretending to them you are going to eat in though
Cheers all, thought there was something in the wording about if it is a takeaway only service, they couldn't offer it, but if it was a restaurant with takeaway, they could? i.e like taking your "doggy bag" home without cluttering up the restaurant. Ah well.....
Yes they are, so when they bring your food to your table you just take the bag from the tray. I went in with my son last week. Once we had eaten I used the small bag to take out a mayo chicken for the missus.
I've not used the scheme yet, but given the pain restaurants / hotels / pubs have suffered I think it's a good idea. (I just sit in the park drinking cheap cider these days. You meet a better class of people). I'd like it to be retained for small, independent businesses up to October, not for the bigger chains though.
Agreed that they should extend it, at least to the end of September. We’ve used it a couple of times and then given most of the discount back as a tip.
Just come back from Chestnut Tree at Barugh Green.4 adults and 1 child £18 and that was including a pint of carling.Brilliant cant fault it.
Little bird told me it may be extended. Scheme is working and is one area for which government are getting credit. Helps bury bad news of which a certain Mr Williamson (and his whip) has caused in spades.
Chicken Tuesdays at kfc ended this Tuesday 18th. 9 pieces for £6 good value 50% off if you eat in so you could’ve got 9 pieces for £3. I told them I were eating in then walked out and took it back to the office (surely a safer place to eat than a packed restaurant).
Town heaving tonight. For me though, the big chains don't need the help. Their share should go to keeping the scene longer for the smaller, independent businesses.
**** KFC. Support local business. Sorry, but you are the problem, not the solution. My business is already ******, but why say this? Totally moronic.
Most KFCs Mac Donald’s and subways are franchaises. They can cost a fortune for very little return. Subway is 8% of net sales and including set up fees you are looking at 90k plus. Mac Donald’s is double that, and it’s all based in secured loans...