Hi people Not sure if any of you guys have got the SLY app I know there’s similar ones out there but was wondering if you can install it on LG smart tv? Iv got it on my firestick but my new tv literally does everything my firestick does now apart form the SLY app. I’m not that tekky when it comes to things like this so is it possible to download the app straight onto tv? Or is there any out there that can? This one cast me £50 for year and Iv had it around 7 months so got my money out of it so I don’t mind setting up a new one if it can go on tv Thanks in advance Guys
Not entirely sure, but think you’ll need another subscription. The guy I get it through charges another tenner or so for each additional device - so I’d go back to whoever you got it with as the first option.
I’m sure you can put them on as many devices as you want using same code but obviously you can only view one as whilst your using that the other devices won’t work or something like that .
Marlon is right re devices. Does your tv have the smartiptv app? If so use that. If not id just stick to firestick.