Even more so if you watch the full uncut one on YouTube, and not just the shortened one on UK TV. Has won many plaudits across the world, as it was a worldwide advert.
Probably one of the best adverts you’ll see for a long time. Very moving and powerful. It’s a shame the full length one isn’t on UK TV, and only the shortened one.
She didn’t - she was distracted for a milli-second by it, not using it. Something which we’ve all done, either with a flashing phone, changing a tape, changing a radio station, changing a cd or changing the temperature in the car. We all glance away from the road for a few milliseconds to adjust things for perfectly legal and legitimate reasons. Even seeing a mate a walking past and waving.
Made in South Carolina, USA. Volvo are still mainly autonomous in their affairs - that was the signed agreement when Geely took over.