Six years ago committed Christian Matthew Murray and his wife Becky who live in Pogmoor started the One to One Charity using a £600 donation. He has since raised a million pounds which has enabled the erection of an orphanage in Kenya which cares for the needs of some 200 deprived kids and has contact with some 10,000 others every week through a. Schools outreach programme. They also run a school on the site and have 35 staff across the two. Their Charity also works with young girls in Kenya to protect them from trafficking and also works with widows in Sri Lanka as well as other projects in Pakistan, Swaziland and Cambodia. Matthew explained how he came by the original donation. His benefactor was having a bit of a tough time with his football career at Barnsley FC. Barnsley were playing at Reading away in 2011 and they managed to win 2-1. On the Monday after the game having heard about Matthews ambitions Bobby Hassell turned up at Matthews door and gave him his £600 win bonus. Bobby explains " I wasn't supposed to start that game, I was on the bench and Miles Addison got injured five minutes before kick off and I played in defensive midfield. I remember thinking to myself if we win this game, I'm going to give my win bonus away. I asked God to put it in my heart where to give it. I knew Matthew and Becky wanted to start their charity but didn't know how much they wanted." Bobby has given his blessing for Matt to tell this story now because Bobby didn't want to come across as boastful and normally likes to keep his charity giving private. To mark the Charity's fifth anniversary Matt and Becky are planning a celebration at the Holiday Inn in Dodworth on the 11 th November. Quite rightly the guest of honour will be the one and only Bobby Hassell. Extract from Fridays Chronicle. What an ambassador for football, the human race and Barnsley Football Club Bobby Hassell truly is.!
What a fantastic Player, Ambassador and Man Bobby truly is. May he be with the club for many years to come.