Wanting some expert knowledge from the excellent forum. Been tidying and found lots of my old slides from 60's 70's 80's. I'm thinking of buying a slide scanner and wondered if anyone had knowledge of these, i.e. do they work? Quality? Any recommendations? I remember getting a device ages ago that fitted to a SLR camera which was next to useless, so not wanting to make the same mistake. The ones that I'm currently looking at are: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=slide+...Slide+digi,aps,229&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_10 Or https://www.amazon.co.uk/KODAK-Mini...qid=1639143535&sprefix=Slide+s,aps,316&sr=8-9 Any help on the above would be appreciated. Ta.
Ditto. My Dad's got a manual one for his Ricoh SLR. The pictures that came out weren't great quality. I didn't realise digital one's existed.
I didn't either, came across them by accident really from a link on computer scanners page and thought 'what a good idea' IF they work.
I might get my Dad one if they're any good because he's got loads of slides from the early sixties of his childhood holidays to Rhyl etc that would make excellent family photos.
Yes they are good. I used to have a negative/ slide scanner but it became imcompatible with windows 10 and couldn't get it to work. The quality was good though.
Good point about Windows 10. I've a few things that don't work anymore, will add to my 'to check list'. Cheers.
My father in law had hundreds of slides from his time in the RAF living in Malaysia, he sent them to a company in Helmsley and had them put on a memory stick , quality was excellent even after 50+ years
A lot of the time you can run in compatibility mode but this was so old it wasn't plug and play and couldn't find a driver to install. Any new scanners on Amazon will be fine I'd imagine as things have come along since then.
My grandad (who died when I was about 4 in the early 80s) served during WW2 in Burma so I took all his photos from his service and restored them in Photoshop for my mum as a gift. Well worth the effort and good to keep them digitally
Surprised at this as I thought all scanners were TWAIN compatible. Long time since I’ve played loads with scanners though so my words not worth much. as for the OP, years ago I bought a proper pro slide scanner, never used it and eventually sold it on. We ended up buying a flatbed with a neg / slide carrier and it did a great job. I’d have avoided the small all in one devices, you’re paying for loads of stuff you don’t need if you’re plugging it into a computer anyway. But I think they’ve come a long way from the early low res devices and are probably worth a shot. I’d still personally rather do without the screen and interface and just control with a pc. But YMMV.
I've got a slide scanner and can do some for you if they are 35mm slides and if there aren't too many. (it takes a while to do them). You'd also need to do the tidying up. It's a Canon 9950F which I use and does a good job. I've only ever seen the same model on Ebay at vastly extortionate prices.
I bought a film scanner which was brilliant for my old negatives, I followed it up with a dual film/slide scanner which was utterly w**k, although I don't think it was one of the models you're looking at...in the end I had the old projector fixed, set the screen up and took a digital photo of the screen.
Thanks for the kind offer TonyT, but I've loads to do. Seemed a good idea to have slides at the time, but you can't just look through them like photos (especially when I can't remember where I put the projector ).