I was emailed a link by a Colleague at work - from Peterborough on a round robin with another colleague from Hull asking how come Barnsley hadn't made the list. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...orough-tops-insalubrious-list-cr-p-towns.html I referred them to the entry for Dearne Valley or the Valley of Death as it's called in the article - the lovely place I live. I think it's quite funny - given that I love it here and whilst I of course recognise elements - I see more of the good side. https://www.ilivehere.co.uk/dearne-valley-manvers-goldthorpe-barnsley-rotherham-yorkshire.html Populated by Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham throwbacks they interbred with locals, and then the P****s lovely travelling folk turned up to sink the coal mines – more interbreeding, and… Skip to after the war. Goldthorpe post-war kids grew up, and in their teens and above witnessed the 1969 free love movement, which meant shagging as many teenage girls as possible (which continues to this day), and they produced the happy slapping generation (happy slapping means they’re happy to commit GBH on you), and then the pits shut and the happy slapping generation, and their dads, smashed up their own town (a bit like the Grimethorpe lot, and Thurnscoe’s Rema), and interbred and produced the worthless beings which populate the entire Dearne Valley today. They shagged around so much that a new town: Manvers; had to be created, and now the entire Dearne Area is a complete s******e, built on a former mining s******e. And they have to keep building more an more houses for the morons. But recently property developers have started pulling out because they realise what a s******e it all is. As they all move into Manvers they leave the squalor of Thurnscoe and Goldthorpe behind them with the stink of weed growing in lofts, and thieve off each other while the Police turn a blind eye – s**t scared not to upset the violent thickness in case of a repeat of the street battles of over 30 years ago. They built a new road to link to the M1 and hopefully one day they’ll all piss off down south and leave decent folk alone. Decent hard working folk tried moving to the smaller surrounding hamlets, but the poxy happy slappers with their disrespectful chavvy youth kids move in next door on their interest only mortgages. It’s inescapable f*****g hell! Hopefully one day IS will move in and sort it all out because the Police are w*****s!
I like how the daily sh*trag uses words like "insalubrious". As if the knuckledraggers who regularly try and read that paper understand. I think they get (easily) confused between the words "patriotic" and "patronising". I'm not a fan. Can you tell?
Funny how London isn't on that list despite the fact that knife crime is through the roof, the met police have a task force who's job is to ram people off mopeds because so much violent crime is being commited, every street has a homeless person on it and the local girls would rather live in a hut in Syria than stay in London