what if all 12/13 year olds were taken on a day visit to young offenders or prison,given a talk by someone serving time about life inside,may be too late for older kids but might make them think about consequence of what later bad decisions would have
Nah they should just be videoed until the stabbing is complete, wouldn't want the police wading in and provoking them.
I’d give them a season ticket at Rotherham United and tell them they have to attend every game. They’ll soon stop offending.
just when you have a teenage kid, you sit thinking hope they ok,when out and about,seems to be spreading further than just London lately
10 year for carrying a knife. Stop and searches massively increased and 50 year for stabbing someone.
At my current school they have an event in Year 8 called 'Prison Me No Way' and they are off timetable all day and have visits from currently serving prisoners (who are near the end of their time) and the police who do talks and workshops with them.
Why not just spend some fookin time with the kids, instead of going darn pub, or sat in house watching Jeremy fookin Kyle, puffing on a foookin spliff, wi a foookin can a carling in other hand. Seriously, theres no youth clubs, and very little where the young'ens can go, i've got no solutions, well for a few quid i suppose, KIDDING
Very little where they can go? When I was growing up the local 'park' had a set of goalposts up. Now there's a small skate park, football pitches basketball nets, swings and slides, climbing wall. There was no youth club when I was growing up, now there is one. One football team in the village now 3. The list goes on, in reality there's just as much to do now as there was years ago. In fact there is a lot more. A lack of 'things to do' doesn't cause people to carry knives. Appalling parenting and a lack of respect does
I would say that if the baby mama is still around and the baby dada isn't, then the mum is the one taking responsibility for their kids.
Hmmmm. I think in a lot of these households, by the time they're fourteen the kid is the man and tends to bully the Mother, so they're effectively a law unto themselves.
Because baby dadda will statistically be in one of the following... Jail. Dead. No where on the scene. And baby mama doesn’t give much care as long as their kid is leaving cash on the table every week to help with the bills.
Hilarious isn’t it? It’s the dads who aren’t around, it’s generally the lads who are carrying the knives but it’s all the ‘baby mama’s’ fault of course. State of this thread.