Get rid of them red nets, can’t tell wether the balls in or not until a second or so later. What an horrendous decision it is to have red nets. On the plus side though, how easy is this division?
Not keen on the red nets either. Makes it harder to see the ball go in the opposition goal. Which it will do this season, a lot..
Another critisism all the mistakes in the matchday programme. The back page had Matty Wolfe as number 36 not Mallik Wilks who was down as 14 when we don't have a 14. Page 7 has member of the match being Carl Exley and then the article goes on to mention it's Michael McDermott who's the lucky recipient. Again on page 53 Wilks is down as number 14 on the sponsorship page.
They were that horrendous that I never even noticed . What was shocking was the intro music. Thought I was at a funeral.
Wilks was originally going to be 14 but had a change of heart. The programme went to print before that. Difficult sometimes when it goes to print two days before the game. Luckily, we aren’t at home next weekend because the transfer window will cause programme editors issues this week for those with home matches. Page 7 sounds a mistake. These things happen.
Have you only started attending this season? Fanfare, Cocoon and Rocky theme. Been like that all last year. We aren’t changing an unbeaten musical intro.
Why have they changed the order they're played in Andy? Normally Rocky is played before Fanfare and Cocoon but yesterday it was played last so it was cut off half way through.
Be interesting to get the views of anyone sat low down behind the nets, I’ve always thought white nets were a real pain to view through, darker ones are much better.
Been going since the HMV dog was a pup. Its the last bit, you say its Rocky, I wouldnt know. Its crap and I thought so before. While we are on it can we get the timing right.