I think the question is why is this not already a thing?
Sorry but I cant agree with a life ban - are you seriously suggesting there is no hope of anyone ever improving so say a 19 year old who joins in racist chants or makes some offensive posts on facebook should be banned for the rest of his (or her) entire life from ever going to a football match again What incentive is there for education and improvement - I agree there should be a ban and possibly on a 3rd strike it becomes a life ban but otherwise the punishment is just that a severe punishment not an attempt to reform the racist
Something definitely needs doing, thats for certain. Out of interest, I see there's been over 750,000 people who have chipped in, some very big amounts too. Where does this money go?
Why is it, or just appears to be, football that suffers this? You'll correct me if I'm wrong but I never hear of such abuse at rugby or cricket matches. Is football so tribal that it attracts a certain kind of lowlife that isn't present at other sports? There are so many nationalities in football today that racism in theory should apply to all these ... but it doesn't. Only certain colours, not nationalities.
I agree it’s certainly more prevalent at football. But I have heard racist remarks and chanting at rugby and cricket matches I’ve been to (admittedly very rare occurrences in comparison). I haven’t been to Headingley in years, partly because of some of the foul behaviour I’ve seen there in my time. I agree with the guys saying a life ban is too much initially. I’m 40, and thanks to education, awareness, life experience, a very different person to what I was at 15, 20, 25 years old. Not that I would ever say I was a racist you understand! But I was definitely less aware of the consequences of opening my big gob, stereotyping etc.
Where is the rehabilitation to someone young who commits this offence but has the chance to be educated and change their way of thinking?
Boris says they will be banned but doesn't say how long for...... I would say it depends on circumstances because obviously there are many different levels to racism. 18 year old dropping a N bomb on social media might still be able to be saved. A racial physical attack by a many in his 40s banned for life.
People will get fed up of the idiot eventually. Even the Tory party will. He has got a lot of promises to deliver before the next election.
Maybe it should be based on age. Anyone 25 or younger gets a 5 year ban for first offence. Second offence its a lifetime ban because by 30 years of age & having 5 years to think about it they should have changed. Anyone 26 or older should be permanently banned.