“I’ve been looking on YouTube and found a manager who looks great for us. And he’s Austrian ” “Interesting. Let’s sack Collins and get him instead then. We might score goals and win points and other great things” “Should we check if he’s permitted to work here? Before we sack Collins, like?” “Nah, he’s Austrian isn’t he? We know we can buy Austrians. Hahahahaha!! ” “Hahahahaha!! ” “I’ve sacked Collins. He’s gone” “Great, buy Herr Hammer a Ryanair ticket to Manchester and don’t forget to tell him he’s coming. And don’t forget to tell him we like Austrians ” “Crikey I have to remember a lot!! Haha!! Ok, he’s coming over . I didn’t book speedy boarding ” “Yay! I meant ‘Jawohl’ hahahahaha!!!!” “He can’t come” “Why?” “He’s not allowed to work here” “Has Collins actually gone? Has the photo of Lulu gone off his desk?” “Yeah” “Send Devaney in”
Where has it come from that the club didn't know they'd have to appeal for a work permit? It's a detail that appears to have been invented on this forum.
Funnily enough I was going to say the same, I haven’t had chance to plow through all the threads, so wasn’t sure if this was the real reason or just some something that’s gained momentum without any real truth
I posted it and feared the same as you, but from memory, the Alan Nixon post said we wanted him to be manager, but knew we'd need to appeal to bring him in. I just took that as, we knew he'd automatically be declined a work permit, given he did have the required points. I think it was the OP of that particular post who then suggested we'd made a ******** up.
I’d say sacking a manager, then flying a new one into the country without sorting the visa issues out is a pretty big **** up.
If the intention was to get the new manager installed straight away, yes. There's nothing to suggest that was the case though.
Maybe he has taken part in the Austrian equivalent of the FACup and is ineligible to join us. Perhaps someone here spotted this just before it all went tits up.