This is horrific. His girlfriend could only see him twice in the 7 weeks he was in hospital before he died. He died the day before the Matt Hancock video was recorded. BBC News - Shameful, the overused “we will learn lessons” trotted out yet again. The poor family won’t have that time again, they were denied comforting their son at his time of most need. Disgraceful
Couldn't agree more, I dread to think how many stories like this exist. Then we see another announcement tofay of exemptions for "senior executives" this useless mob we have governing us really can't read the room can they?
They don’t need to unfortunately. Their supporters will defend them no matter what. I genuinely feel most days like I’m in some dystopian nightmare. I’ll bet before 3 months is up, someone on here, remembering this last weekend will state Johnson sacked Hancock.
Already seen a news story flash up on Twitter stating just that. Also heard a woman at work today say "hope we beat Germany tonight can't stand that prime minister woman they have"
Bozo has already tried to claim it himself! When people constantly show that they have short memories, it’s very easy for politicians to lie. They don’t even have to pretend to tell the truth anymore.
I don't know what would be worse. England winning today and the subsequent gloating jingoism, or losing, and the hate that would be piled on Germany for having the audacity to have kicked a round sphere in some netting with more frequency than we showed. I'm fully expecting England to win the tournament... just because its so perverse that dePfeffel will get another feel good bounce to cover the body count and pending economic disaster.
I've no idea if we have or we haven't and I'm not really fussed if we do or don't as a footballing contest. In other times, I'd be pleased for the boost of feel good for a nation that's been through a tough period, but at this moment, that feelgood would be used for the worst possible reasons and taken advantage of by the worst people, and as such I'd rather this vile excuse for a PM doesn't get any benefit from the results of a football tournament.
I couldn't tell you the last time I watched them to be honest. A long long time ago. Its just sods law after decades of trying to win a tournament, we'd manage to do it at the worst time when we've such efforts to divide and rule by the political class.
I just cannot get on board with the national team, and to be honest international football in general. I literally only care about the Reds.
Reminds me of something I read once ' Total Recall - the ability to remember accurately things, the way they actually happened, the complete lack of which enables politicians to get reelected.