Just seen this on Twitter so thought it would be worth sharing, the guy that's created it has made it so it will keep updating throughout the season too. It shows the average points of teams that we've played so far at the time of the game, and the average of points of what we've still got to play as it stands. I didn't realise we'd had such a tough start until I saw this, the 2nd toughest of all teams behind Stoke and our remaining fixtures are the 23rd toughest. I'm not sure you can conclude too much from it at this stage but it's interesting. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...XyMXIGbPTJt/pubhtml?gid=465748248&single=true
You've misunderstood how it works. It's based on the points that they had when we played them, which we wouldn't have had any impact on at that point.