I know. What I really meant was, it's important that those of us with a positive outlook keep posting, so the balance is right. It's so very very tempting to think " F*** it" and stop posting, to avoid being ridiculed by the moaners. In January 2017 I was told to "believe". I've not forgotten that ever since, and I still do believe. I'll keep believing until mathematics say otherwise, and I hope our players and staff do that too. Then I'll believe again next season.
My wife watches most sports and enjoys them. She made a comment on Friday night..... That Barnsley are not a lucky side Thinking about it they are having a lot of bad luck recently. Winning teams make their own luck but with Barnsley you have to feel for them at present. Nothing I'd going right . I hope it turns in the next few matches
Yeah but being in this league and losing every week is amazing, going down and winning more games and competing week in week out would be absolutely catastrophic. No one would have anything to winge and wine about, and this forum would be dead.
Luck has a part to play in any walk of life not just sport but to put BFCs league position down to luck is pushing it to be frank We're in this position simply because the squad is a poor squad compared to the majority of other teams in our division add to that poor decision making by management at team level and above and here we are. As for having a go at folk having a vent, well, that ain't going to stop any time soon and rightly so, wether you're Barnsley or Arsenal bellyaching is all part of it, success is relative and we're suffering at the moment but it'll turn again and this place will be like a Walt Disney cartoon all blue skies and singing blue tits. And the name calling? I too think it's childish You FECKIN BALLBAG! Only kiddin
I like the cut of your jib, young sir. After the Millwall match, I did my usual flouncing Drama Queen act. However, post-Bristol City, I've got my mojo back. For me, we didn't look like a relegation team and I'm far more confident than a fortnight ago about surviving. Even if the worst happens, I'll be back next season convincing myself of us bouncing back at the first attempt. If we avoid relegation, I'll be brimming with confidence we'll have a quieter, mid table, comfortable campaign ahead of us. The joys of being a big, daft, soft, old bugger!
Which one? Nowt posted on here will change a thing. It’s just some want to see nowt is wrong and some want to see what’s gone wrong
A fellow fan. Until then I was having doubts. But that fellow fan made me realise that, whilst we'd never be a top team, we'd never be a crap one either. We'd always be somewhere in between. Sadly, that means we will have bad trots, like the current one. But one day we'll have another good trot. Then another bad one. And so on. Unfortunately that's what it's like being a fan of #teamslikebarnsley.