Not the first time he's put his hand in his pocket for stuff like this. Top top bloke.
The man who says he isn't ashamed of being a former football hooligan, wrote the forward for a football hooligan book and says football has always belonged to hooligans (or words to that effect). It's hard to really accept him being called man of the people on a football message board when we are all quite literally paying for the actions of him and his fellow hooligans.
I like him despite being a blunt! One of the few bands to split earnings equally, has time for his fans and put on free concerts for NHS staff to thank them for their commitment during Covid!
Give over. He might have had a few scrapes, 40 years ago. So what. His words and actions over decades have more than defined him as a genuinely good bloke.
Yeah well done to him. But what's all this Beautiful south nonsense, I prefer to think of him in the Housemartins. Here they are on Totp, in 1986!!.
A couple of years ago he put money behind the bar at his favourite pubs so that people could have a drink on his birthday. You could have as many drinks as you wanted ubtil the miney ran out. Sound guy