Jake is just the sort of ‘entrepreneur’ the Tories like to encourage. https://www.theguardian.com/busines...gamble-ended-up-costing-bill-payers-700m-avro
That's shocking. And I very much hope there is something in there that is deemed illegal and charges are made and successfully enforced.
Private enterprise should never have been let anywhere near our critical infrastructures. When it goes tits up as it often does, it’s still the tax payer who bears the burden. Free market enterprise my arse
The infrastructure that the Tories sold off - and continue to do so - isn't their to sell. Its *ours* paid for by generations.
There are regular posters on here who would know for sure but it looks to me like they were trading insolvently for a while Not a good look for Ofgem - especially when there had been repeated requests to investigate of course were the utilities under state control and not run for profit for individuals this particular problem wouldnt arise
If they were trading while insolvent, that alone should be enough grounds to prosecute. If they were also prioritising personal gain over their fiduciary duties as directors, given the cost to the taxpayer, I'd expect that to be pursued too.
If the Guardian's article is accurate the family is clearly guilty of fraud and they should be prosecuted and punished. They should also be required to pay back the money they stole.
This was always going to happen. These energy companies aren't trading anything they have created or are transporting. It's all just about being brokers and that is an easy thing to corrupt unless proper regulatory powers and investigations are the norm. But sadly, this country is based on a sham. We have a corrupt sham parliamentary system and similar banking system, similar for rail and utilities. The mess up of PPE purchasing an the siphoning off of tax payer money during the pandemic was an obvious sign of this, but it's just allowed to pass on by. We are the victims of corruption and yet we do nothing.