Windows updated yesterday when I shut it down, turned it on this morning & the thing won't boot up, checked everything all the leads, thing is the reset button doesn't work. In the past I've always been able to sort any problems out myself and I built this one from scratch but I'm stumped with this one, anyone else had problems?
Sounds like a motherboard failure - if so the update was a coincidence. Otherwise, did the update involve the BIOS/UEFI? If so and it went wrong that will "brick" your PC.
That’s where I went wrong then It was latest iOS update that’s killed mine I tried holding control and r whilst holding the power button but nothing
No didn't involve bios/ uefi, as for the motherboard, everything seems fine no warning lights. Could be the mb though, might have to deconstruct and rebuild
Same thing happened to me last week. The latest Windows update (which only does some marginal s#!t people with beards in California care about) bricks everybody else's computer. Google it on your phone. I started in safe mode with networking, took it back to last major update in November 2019, now works well, had to update a few apps etc. Now paused all updates.
Oh dear sorry mate, just google it on your phone, its all over microsoft forums with lots of suggestions. Windows have known for two months but havent pulled the upgrade. They are all the same, after two bricked iphones I jumped off worshipping that particular false god
Try taking out the battery on the mobo for five minutes and try again. If that doesn't work try a new battery entirely.
Never done this before but I will be putting in a new, upgraded motherboard still M.S.I. Will I need to do a full clean install of Windows or can I update drivers for new motherboard? Thanks in advance.