our lass is fuming now, ive turned over from the covid BBC news and she wanted to know why, so I said ESL as said pepe is on the chase plus one and is best looking contest on a game show ever,"what do you think then", "well she is ok", "she wont look like that, on a morning without all that slap on ","cant believe you turned my news over to look at some young lass", "well I was intrigued","go on then is that your sort","no love,she is pretty though","put news back on, I am making your tea,she would not make your tea,you get yourself off with some strumpet like that if that's what you want" ,"I am turning it over for ,jeez,wish I NEVER SWITCHED IT OVER" thanks ESL she was well nice to be fair and our lass reaction doubles down on that
It's a repeat. That's definitely the Arsenal player with a different hairstyle...the Adam's apple is a giveaway.
sometimes I favour a slightly thicker lady especially when working out the housekeeping, , 60 plus 40 is 90 then you need 375 divided by 2, that gets you another 120 ,here you go love 10 pounds
no reply from ESL, hope he ok, if he watched chase on ITV and ITV plus one he might have reached tipping point (lined one up there if anyone wants to smash it into the net?)