Just seen Peter Kay introduce a VT on Big Night In. Is it just me, or did the poor bloke look really Ill? He looked bloated, seemed to have trouble speaking and just generally seemed to have lost his spark. Something clearly not right with him. Hope he is beating whatever it is.
You’re probably right. There’s been rumours for a few years ever since he had to cancel that arena tour soon after announcing it. No idea what’s up with him though & he has a very private life
I thought that as well DSL Red. His Dad Michael died in his fifties. He unfortunately suffered from brittle bone disease and Peter has said in the past that his Dad took to the bottle to mask the pain. Peter doesn't drink but clearly something looks to be ailing him. One good thing was that he did a one off special of " Car share" on Good Friday and he looked OK in that. Let's hope, that he hasn't developed a hereditary condition, he truly is a big talent.
Article about Peters appearance in the Daily Mail. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...s-express-concern-Peter-Kay-looks-unwell.html
Press have hinted at health problems for years now. I'm pretty sure they know what it is but out of respect for him they won't share it and quite right. You see it with plenty of celebs from time to time where the press repeat the same "news" over a period of time with new stories that don't say anything you don't already know. Basically they are hinting they know more but probably some injunction in place. You see it with Schofield where since he came out the amount of news articles about him where nothing newsworthy is shared is far more than it used to be.
It says a lot about what level of high regard we all hold Peter Kay in that people in the press and media will certainly know whats been wrong for the last few years but they respect Peter so much that they've chosen not to speculate or publish anything. It also shows what absolute gutter press the daily mail are that they don't have the same respect as everyone else. Peter obviously has issues at the moment and I, like everyone else, have no idea what they are but I think it's a little disrespectful to start speculating and commenting on his appearance. Whatever his issues are it certainly won't help him seeing his fans telling him he looks terrible.
give it a rest mate, they reported fans were worried about his appearance as did at least one more (The Mirror) basically saying the same stuff that folk have said on this thread. The Mail might not be good but at least wait until they have said something serious again rather than making something out of nowt. In short can we please allow an odd ( caring) thread on here without turning it political. Rant over
Lets take Peter Kay and use Daily Mail as an example. Here he's on a tram........ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowb...ime-YEAR-poses-fans-board-tram-Blackpool.html Death hoaxs...... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowb...ay-46-falls-victim-cruel-death-hoax-time.html Pumps air in his car tyres..... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowb...nce-public-hes-seen-time-YEAR-ahead-tour.html Been living in Ireland....... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...and-kept-low-profile-cancelling-40m-tour.html Slams a documentary about himself...... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowb...5-doc-called-incredibly-misleading-title.html There are many more examples since he cancelled his tour but you get the jist. The press clearly know why he cancelled his tour. But instead of him being able to deal with it privately they make pointless stories of unimportant information just so they can slip in the unrelated news time and time again of him disappearing from the public. I suspect no injunction will be in place but they fear a backlash like The Sun got for their story on Ben Stokes last year.
The car share special was audio only,but said to ar lass he doesn’t sound right on this,same last night his voice was faltering and he looked bloated,obviously something wrong,good luck to him and props for joining in such a good cause
To many, Peter is a national treasure that most folks can identify with. I honestly feel that the comments about his health and appearance are being made out of pure concern for his present and future well being. Let's hope that if he currently is having problems with his health, he is able to overcome them and get back to entertaining us all very soon.
i think you are giving the media too much credit mate (with the exception of the mail), because looking back at past form they are all capable of printing rubbish with little or no regard to the parties involved, i wouldnt trust any of them.
That's true. The only thing I can think of that's similar is the stig from top gear. Newspapers must have known about his identity but they never revealed it. Same with banksy at least one paper must know his identity as he's selling things
I dunno for once I think the press know and just don't want to say anything because they will look as bad as The Sun did when they did their Ben Stokes story last yea that wasn't for the public to know. Phillip Schofield on the other hand probably does have a press injunction out so the press give him the Peter Kay treatment I mentioned above of doing a lot of pointless stories on him to keep his name in the news as if to say "we know".
Actually Banksy is called Robin Gunningham, pictured at the recent stunt auction and on previous occasions.