So on Friday u had my car serviced at Arnold Clark in Wakefield. Noticed the petrol at the she'll garage was £1.73 a litre. The Asda at Wakefield was £1.75. Yet the Asda in Barnsley is £1.86 I think. All the stations around Barnsley are above 1.80. We constantly here about fuel duty and the price of a barrel and rightly so as I'm sure they the main drivers of the cost. It does seem clear though that we see unreasonable mark ups at the pump. How for example can Asda sell the same fuel for 10p a litre cheaper just a few miles down the road?
Probably weighted for the number of Range Rovers in the vicinity. Every other car seems to be one these days. I can see at least 4 of them from my front window.
On the way back from Manchester last Tuesday, I noticed the Texaco garage at Penistone was £180.9 a litre. This was 6p a litre cheaper than the cheapest that I’d seen in Barnsley. Currently in Newquay, and the most common and cheapest price I’ve seen is £186.9. One of the Service stations on the M5 were charging £2.02 a litre.
We are in a rainy Tenby well just outside the local petrol station is £1.84 diesel £1.70 petrol and branded fuel shell ,somebody is definitely having our pants down.
I posted a couple of weeks ago about petrol prices coming down, since then the ones round me (Hillsborough area) have stalled around the £1.86ish mark.
Cheapest I've seen is the Shell at Durkar on the A636. It was 173.9 I think (definitely 1.73) when I passed it wqs causing a queue onto the dual carriageway. In fact when I just used Google maps to check the road number it said "busier than usual" they must be taking the approach of undercutting everywhere else to get the customers in.
Yes I've noticed huge differences on my drives to Skeggy. It goes up as I approach Lincoln then starts to go back down again as I get further away. Also Skeggy has been consistently cheaper than Barnsley this year.
I use a petrol price checker app and currently the cheapest around Donny is £175.9 at one at Denaby and same at one in Conisbrough but to follow up one your point the app shows up 7 or 8 different Jet stations and the price varies at them all some by up to 8p difference even when some are less than a mile apart, it smacks of pure and simple profiteering
I've used those apps too recently but they aren't 100%accurate, a good guide though. I never used to bother much and thought driving further for petrol was just plain silly. But at 10p a litre less doing our shopping at the wakey asda might be worth it. I also don't want to use the ones who are charging higher prices if its not justifiable.