West Ham drawing with Brighton being a story higher up the bill on your website than the FA Cup final? Do one.
So I went and looked - Sport homepage, lead story - Leicester win FA Cup, so I went to the football homepage, same thing. So... it's not the BBC (those are sites I don't go to from this browser) I'm guessing your results are influenced by your prev history.
Which is a 'latest' version of the whole world news And of the top 20 stories, the FA cup is 4 of them. It seems like you'd have to try hard not to find the FA cup stories. And if you don't like football, it might make more sense to complain that over 25% of the 'top stories' are domestic football.
Isn't the expectation there that it would be the latest news anyway? FA Cup dominates the rest of the website considering it was just one event.
The BBC push their own agendas and have done for a good while now. The championship is the 5th biggest attended league in Europe and we just get the odd story. Its all premier league and womens football, don't want to come across the wrong way but how does womens football justify the coverage it gets if you base things on popularity. Think I'll get my tin hat on ready for some stick.
It’s not just the Beeb. How much coverage is in the press of the EFL.? ITV? A lot of people don’t want to miss having a pop at the BBC.
How interesting is a discussion about sport with no footage though? The BBC would have to spend the other half the the licence fee with Sky just to show enough clips to make it interesting.
I think he was referring to the website rather than a TV show. Printed media always did well covering football and obviously doesn't have footage. Just checked the BBC Sport homepage. Football dominates. There are dozens and dozens of linked articles. Premier League, FA Cup, Women's football have loads. I couldn't see one covering the Championship (or any other division).
Well... it was a release from lockdown and day on the beers that led to me posting that. In the cold light of (Sun)day, I've no idea why it riled me so much!