Does anyone think it's actually getting worse? I watched a lot of games yesterday and watching Celtic just now, and it seems the higher the standard, the more rolling goes on. I've just seen hard man Scott Brown going down like he'd caught his leg in a bacon slicer! Its as if every single foul results in someone rolling themselves back to health. It's disgusting and dishonest and it's about time it was sorted out. Footballers aren't soft, but they're making themselves look so.
Maybe the following could be applied. If the referee deems the player to be badly hurt/play acting said player has to be immediately replaced by one of the substitutes. I know it's unenforceable but, hey, I'd love to see the cheating gits punished.
It’s the issue that I’ve hated in the championship this season! Too many times at Oakwell we’ve seen players go down with a snipers bullet but are able to come round just before the physio comes on &, like a miracle, can sprint around! Some people might think it’s cheating, maybe it is but maybe, just maybe it’s a miracle!
Time to ban shin pads and make the buggers play in bare feet. That'll sort em out. Anybody doing any rolling about with no evidence of injury (bruising, etc.) gets an automatic red card, ten match ban, and their Equity card cancelled.
I agree. I thought Fulham took it to a new level this season, expertly choreographed team role play for every challenge against them. Step 1:- 'Fouled' player goes down as if sniper had shot him even if contact was minimal Step 2:- Said player yelps like a stuck pig as part of swan dive to ground Step 3:- Said player rolls round in faux agony until ref gives free kick Step 4:- Rest of team, led by captain, surround referee in false but aggressive indignation Step 5:- Rest of team make yellow/red card signals to referee Step 6:- Player writhing on ground looks up to see if ref has booked/sent off opposition player Step 7:- If booking/sending off has happened player with near death experience gets to feet and takes free kick Step 8:- If booking/sending off has not happened player continues writhing on ground Step 9:- Repeat steps 4 to 8 until ref does as demanded.
A problem with our players, We have to learn the way of the dark art's. Cardiff where the masters of them this season